Jacob McPherson

putting the ‘fun’ in functional design :)

       Undead Press
       Don’t Be Square
Park Ave CD’s Rebrand
       Gut Health

       Boogie Nights
       Burn Out


       Fang Gothic


Don’t Be Square

Objective: Build a campaign that informs viewers on queer mental health as affected by homophobia

Scope:  Visual Brand Identity / Zines / Shirt / Poster Series with Animated Posters / Instagram Account

Creative Brief:

There has been a growing acceptance of the LGBTQIA+ community throughout recent years, yet there is still so much work to do. There are still many spaces that are actively homophobic. Don’t Be Square is a campaign to raise awareness and inspire change regarding these anti-LGBTQIA+ spaces. The campaign seeks to encourage the LGBTQIA+ community who might still be in these spaces, currently leaving them, or experiencing the after effects. We also seek to educate individuals who are not LGBTQIA+ on the severe negative effects that homophobia can cause. This campaign is to inspire others to not be square (conventional, old-fashioned, or prejudiced) in their thinking, but to be accepting even of matters one might not understand yet.

We want amplify the voice of LGBTQIA+ individuals, help them share their stories, and provide support and encouragement for them. We want to educate parents, schools, religious systems, and heterosexual individuals on the effects of homophobia on queer individuals.

01 The Visual Identity

Pure Black
Clear White
Don’t Be Sqaure sets the bright colors of the pride flag aside as we approach the serious conversation of queer mental health with a carefully crafted tone. 

02 Application

Visit the Don’t Be Square Instagram Here

This project was completed as part of the AIGA Orlando mentorship program, and received an award from Native Screenprinting Co. and Counter: Brand and Type. A big thank you to the teams as Native and Counter for seeing something special in this project. Thank you to my mentor, Alison Murphy, who provided critique and feedback on this project. Thank you to my professor and friend, Ashley Taylor, who encouraged me throughout the length of this project. And finally, thank you to all my friends who supported this project through sharing and participation.